Tungsten carbide rolls with ceramic coating on the steel arbors perform several regrinding operations without any maintenance or substition of the steel support.
Since 1968 ATOMAT has supplyed tungsten carbide rolls for the production of aluminium wire rod on rolling mills type Properzi-Morgan-Secim. Our tungsten carbide rolls offer a longer life, providing lower tooling costs and improving both rod tolerance and surface finish.
ATOMAT produces the entire range of AISI H-13 steel rolls for the production of copper wire rod on Krupp-Morgan-Properzi rolling mills type, by using only high quality hot worked tool steel produced by qualified and certified suppliers.
To avoid steel contamination on the copper wire rod, the Titanium Carbide has proved to be the best choice for your guide rollers.
CNC Machines and CAD-CAM controlled Turning Centers are operating 2 shifts a day to perform High/Quality H13 Steel Rolls for our customers worldwide.
ATOMAT maintains extensive facilities for finishing tungsten carbide rolls to give you precision rolls and the service for your needs.
Tungsten carbide rolls can be reground several times and ATOMAT provides to its customers an efficient and accurate roll maintenance service.